Recruitment of new people has been and will continue to be crucial for the further development of the services. There are currently over 30,000 aircraft mechanics in the world, and we are constantly looking for new colleagues.
This year's jubilee 20th Sodexo Employer of the Year award is slowly coming to an end. On Thursday afternoon, June 2, representatives of the organizing Employers' Club and general partner, Sodexo Benefity, met with representatives of the winning companies from the Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc regions at the Velká Bystřice castle hotel in the heart of Haná.
"After today's announcement, twelve regions already know their winners. I am glad that all the meetings are going as we were used to before the pandemic. That is, in the spring, live and without limiting the number of participants, "said Daniel Čapek, CEO of Sodexo Benefity, when announcing the results and reminded that the previous two years were negatively affected by measures against the spread of covid, which forced the transfer of winners to virtual space. "But now everything is the same and I believe that the covid is definitely behind us. However, companies are now facing even greater and more challenging challenges, whether it is a rocketing rise in energy and fuel prices, supply chain problems or human resources. Perhaps precisely because of these difficulties of employers in the area of personnel, this year saw an increase in the number of participants, as employers are even more urgently aware of the need for proper motivation of employees in all areas, "Čapek emphasized.
"The 20th anniversary started shortly before the war broke out in Ukraine. Many traditional participants asked us to be patient in filling in the competition, because at the turn of February and March they organized massive humanitarian aid and many of them had to unexpectedly take care of family members of tens to hundreds of their Ukrainian employees, "said this year's complicated start of Employer of the Year Pavel Hulák from the Employers' Club, which is the organizer of the competition.
Despite all the mentioned complications, a number of companies have applied for the title this year, which have not yet participated in the competition. "In most regions, completely new participants have appeared. In addition, many of them became jumpers of the year and at the premiere they achieved a medal placement or even a victory in their region, "said Pavel Hulák, who mentioned the Mošnov company Job Air Technic, a. s., Which deals with the maintenance of large aircraft, including Boeings and Airbuses, and won the highest position in the Moravian - Silesian Region during its premiere participation. "Two years of the pandemic have fundamentally affected the aviation industry. Paradoxically, for Job Air Technic as a repair and service center, this meant more work. Recruitment of new people has been and will continue to be crucial for the further development of the services. There are currently over 30,000 aircraft mechanics in the world, and we are constantly looking for new colleagues. We address and motivate graduates of Czech and Slovak vocational and university schools and those interested from abroad. That is also why today, JOB AIR Technic employs employees of twelve nationalities, " said Lenka Vitásková, HR Manager and Member of the Board.
However, traditional participants also "scored" - in the Olomouc region, the chemical company Precheza a. s. won gold in the category of up to 5,000 employees. We had to find new approaches in the organization of work to ensure continuous operation. Thanks to that and with a certain amount of luck, we didn't have to limit production. In the field of education, we started using video courses and e-learning. We compensated the employees for the absence of corporate events with an extraordinary contribution to individual leisure activities," summed up Alena Okáčová, Head of Human Resources at Precheza a. s.
The jubilee 20th year has a total of seven regional announcements, always for two regions at the same time, and everything will culminate on June 14 at the national finals, when in addition to announcing national winners, awards will be given in the accompanying categories. HR designed for exceptional individuals in the field of human resources care, which are nominated by participants in regional HR meetings. This year, for the third time, the award for the best-rated employer through the eyes of the employees themselves will be awarded at the national finals in cooperation with Atmoscope under the name Fair Employer 2022 with a good atmosphere. "The highlight of this year will be the extraordinary Employer of the Decade award for the period 2013-2022," Daniel Čapek emphasized at the end.
Sodexo award results Employer of the region in the Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc regions:
Moravian-Silesian Region
Categories up to 500 employees
1. Job Air Technic, a.s.
Categories up to 5000 employees
1. Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech s.r.o.
2. innogy Customer Services, s.r.o.
Olomouc region
Categories up to 5000 employees
1. Precheza a.s.
2. Honeywell Aerospace Olomouc s.r.o.
3. SSI Schäfer s.r.o.